Defence Space Conference 2022

10 - 11 May 2022


IET, Savoy Place, London



‘Working together to Operationalise Space’

Welcome to Defence Space 2022. Defence Space 2022 is the leading platform for all those who seek to influence emerging thinking on the UK’s military space capability, planning, and development. Bringing together senior UK Government officials, international military commanders, industry, academics, and leaders in disruptive technologies from the UK and overseas, Defence Space 2022 will also explore how current geopolitical events are driving change in radical and fundamental ways and how international partners, allies and industry must all work together to manage the operationalisation of space.

Context – rebooting space thinking: The war in Ukraine is a crisis that continues to challenge security and order across Europe – and across the globe. This is no longer an exercise – but years of training and preparation have enabled allies and partners to move at the speed of relevance today, drawing on the very integration outlined in the Integrated Review, the National Space Strategy (NSS) and the Defence Space Strategy (DSS).  But what comes next?  Sixty years of MoD space operations delivering space domain awareness and satellite operations that enhance military operations combined with a UK space industry that now contributes £16 billion a year to GDP puts the UK at the heart of the developments arising from this crisis.

Information has been re-weaponised and everyday data including open-source imagery are now affecting live combat outcomes. The impact on commercial space companies is stark: they have moved from providing information services to a broad utility or user segment to direct action in support of homeland defence; supporting the hearts and minds of citizens; reducing the fog of war and making offensive action attributable to a global and empathetic audience.


The Impact of the Operationalisation of Space

The conference will explore the importance of the recent commercial contributions witnessed in Ukraine and how space-based commercial capabilities are proving game-changing in the current crisis. Defence retains a requirement for shared understanding, how will Defence and government quickly integrate commercial capabilities into multi-domain operations?

The Evolution of UK Space Command

The conference will explore how, a year on from its formation, UK Space Command is leading space activity across the MoD in direct support of military operations, including multi-domain integration, command and control, capability management, workforce generation and the delivery of operational effect.

 Delivering ‘Protect and Defend’: How is Defence implementing the National Space Strategy?

The conference will explore how the MoD is delivering the ‘Protect and Defend’ goal within the National Space Strategy via cross-Government collaboration, international partnerships and active engagement with industry, academia, and the wider commercial UK space sector. The Defence Space Strategy sets out the MoD’s approach to each of these key elements, as well as its capability priorities, strategic themes, cross-cutting principles and ten-year funding plan.

Delivering Science & Technology to Unlock Next Generation Capability for the Ministry of Defence

The conference will explore challenges that the MOD encounters in space, and raise the importance of academia and the wider commercial space sector in helping address these to promote UK prosperity. Past collaborative S&T success stores and future engagement opportunities will be presented to the audience, along with fresh perspectives on technology that could shape the future of the space domain. Sessions will be structured as disruptive debates, enabling conversations between speakers from a range of backgrounds to present their outlooks. The audience will have Q&A opportunities to challenge ideas and offer their own standpoint on the big questions under discussion.

International Collaboration on Space

The conference will explore how the MoD is strengthening its engagement with allies and partners to support the UK’s ambition in the domain, via multinational collaborations such as NATO, the Five Eyes partnership and the Combined Space Operations Initiative, as well as bilateral agreements with individual nations.

Keynote speakers include: Minister of State for Defence Procurement, Mr Jeremy Quin MP; Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston; Commander US Space Command, General James H. Dickinson; Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security, Mr Alex van Someren; Commander UK Space Command, Air Vice-Marshal Paul Godfrey; Director of Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, Major General Darrell Amison; Air Marshal Richard Knighton, Deputy Chief of Staff (Military Capability); Director Space, MOD Space Directorate, Air Vice-Marshal Harv Smyth and Mr Vlodymyr Usov, Former Chairman of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.

“Welcome to this year’s Defence Space Conference in a big year for UK Space Command as it reached its Initial Operating Capability. Staffed by people from the Royal Navy, British Army, the Royal Air Force, civil servants and industry partners, the Command is inherently integrated across Government, the thriving UK space sector and internationally to deliver space operations, training and capability on behalf of Defence. We play a key role in the Combined Space Operations Initiative alongside the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany, working together to ensure that space is there for the benefit of all. Our journeys are remarkably similar. Germany stood up their Space Command in July last year; the Australian Defence Space Command is being established; France continues to grow its capability having established a Space Command in 2019; and NATO now recognises space as an operational domain. With the release of the UK National Space Strategy and Defence Space Strategy in February and with the first UK space launch expected this summer, there has never been a more exciting time to be involved in space and I’m delighted we’re able to bring the space community together at events like this to better understand this critical domain.” 

Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, Chief of the Air Staff, Royal Air Force

With just over one week to go until our 2022 Defence Space Conference I’m excited to say that the agenda for this two-day event has shaped up well beyond expectations. This year we intend to bring to life the critical  utility of the space domain in the contemporary context of an uncertain world brought into stark focus with the ongoing war in Ukraine. In today’s information dominant environment never has it been more important that we truly operationalise the space domain at pace with our partners and allies and with our increasingly capable commercial space sector. Our Conference will bring this to life with Keynote Speeches and Panel discussions with Defence Ministers, Service Chiefs, Scientists and Industry experts.  But we want to hear from you too so look forward to seeing you on the 10th and 11th May when we can discuss together how to meaningfully operationalise space.

Air Vice-Marshal Harv Smyth, CB, OBE DFC, Director Space, UK Ministry of Defence

Hello.  I’m Air Vice Marshal Paul Godfrey, Commander of UK Space Command and I’m here to provide a quick insight into some of the areas that we’ll cover at this year’s Defence Space Conference, organised by the Air and Space Power Association, to be held at the Institution of Engineering and Technology in London on the 10th and 11th of May.  It’s been quite a year for UK Space Command since our formation on the 1st of April last year.  As we approach our Initial Operating Capability.  But what does that actually mean for us? It means that we’ll have the personnel and the resource to deliver the recently launched Defence Space Strategy through our operating model of Operate, Generate, Collaborate, and Educate.  The Strategy identified three key themes firstly, Protect and Defend which we will enable through enhanced space domain awareness and through developing a range of future capabilities to be able to respond to hostile actions through our Operations and Capability Teams. Secondly, enhancing military operations where we are working closely with other domains to use space as an enabler for multi-domain integration. And thirdly, upskill and cohere, which is about building a resilient and skilled space workforce for the future. So I look forward to seeing you there.

For more details on the Defence Space Strategy and speeches by the Chief of the Air Staff and the Minister for Defence Procurement please click here

“Space is becoming more and more accessible and we are already seeing a race for dominance in this uncharted domain on a global scale. Defence Space 2022 will put into context what is needed to protect and defend this vital domain and keep it safe for all. The conference will explore the UK’s international role in Space and shared vision with other Space partners and allies for an enduring safe and secure Space environment. Defence Space attendees will hear about the new initiatives to protect and defend the UK and national technology pipeline aimed at  delivering leading capabilities where they are needed and generating the necessary skills to conduct space operations. Defence Space is the UK defence event for space professionals.”

Air Marshal (Ret’d) Greg Bagwell CB CBE, President, The Air & Space Power Association

Defence Space 2022 will feature conference, exhibition and networking with an exclusive dinner/reception on the evening of Day One as well as a live-casting platform for virtual attendees, ensuring like-minded Space professionals from across the globe can provide their insights and discuss future opportunities with the aim of building resilience and exploring opportunity.

The inaugural Defence Space Gala Dinner will be held on Day One after the Evening Drinks Reception, if you would like more information on the dinner and how to purchase a ticket please click here DS2 Gala Dinner

Corporate partnership opportunities start from just £3,500 + VAT

To find out more please click here Corporate Opportunities

Event Details

Date: 10 May, 2022

Start time: 09:00 GMT

End time: 17:00 GMT

Venue: IET, Savoy Place, London


Day one
Day two
  • Day one
  • Day two

On Demand


‘Working together to Operationalise Space’

Welcome to Defence Space 2022. Defence Space 2022 is the leading platform for all those who seek to influence emerging thinking on the UK’s military space capability, planning, and development. Bringing together senior UK Government officials, international military commanders, industry, academics, and leaders in disruptive technologies from the UK and overseas, Defence Space 2022 will also explore how current geopolitical events are driving change in radical and fundamental ways and how international partners, allies and industry must all work together to manage the operationalisation of space.

Context – rebooting space thinking: The war in Ukraine is a crisis that continues to challenge security and order across Europe – and across the globe. This is no longer an exercise – but years of training and preparation have enabled allies and partners to move at the speed of relevance today, drawing on the very integration outlined in the Integrated Review, the National Space Strategy (NSS) and the Defence Space Strategy (DSS).  But what comes next?  Sixty years of MoD space operations delivering space domain awareness and satellite operations that enhance military operations combined with a UK space industry that now contributes £16 billion a year to GDP puts the UK at the heart of the developments arising from this crisis.

Information has been re-weaponised and everyday data including open-source imagery are now affecting live combat outcomes. The impact on commercial space companies is stark: they have moved from providing information services to a broad utility or user segment to direct action in support of homeland defence; supporting the hearts and minds of citizens; reducing the fog of war and making offensive action attributable to a global and empathetic audience.


The Impact of the Operationalisation of Space

The conference will explore the importance of the recent commercial contributions witnessed in Ukraine and how space-based commercial capabilities are proving game-changing in the current crisis. Defence retains a requirement for shared understanding, how will Defence and government quickly integrate commercial capabilities into multi-domain operations?

The Evolution of UK Space Command

The conference will explore how, a year on from its formation, UK Space Command is leading space activity across the MoD in direct support of military operations, including multi-domain integration, command and control, capability management, workforce generation and the delivery of operational effect.

 Delivering ‘Protect and Defend’: How is Defence implementing the National Space Strategy?

The conference will explore how the MoD is delivering the ‘Protect and Defend’ goal within the National Space Strategy via cross-Government collaboration, international partnerships and active engagement with industry, academia, and the wider commercial UK space sector. The Defence Space Strategy sets out the MoD’s approach to each of these key elements, as well as its capability priorities, strategic themes, cross-cutting principles and ten-year funding plan.

Delivering Science & Technology to Unlock Next Generation Capability for the Ministry of Defence

The conference will explore challenges that the MOD encounters in space, and raise the importance of academia and the wider commercial space sector in helping address these to promote UK prosperity. Past collaborative S&T success stores and future engagement opportunities will be presented to the audience, along with fresh perspectives on technology that could shape the future of the space domain. Sessions will be structured as disruptive debates, enabling conversations between speakers from a range of backgrounds to present their outlooks. The audience will have Q&A opportunities to challenge ideas and offer their own standpoint on the big questions under discussion.

International Collaboration on Space

The conference will explore how the MoD is strengthening its engagement with allies and partners to support the UK’s ambition in the domain, via multinational collaborations such as NATO, the Five Eyes partnership and the Combined Space Operations Initiative, as well as bilateral agreements with individual nations.

Keynote speakers include: Minister of State for Defence Procurement, Mr Jeremy Quin MP; Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston; Commander US Space Command, General James H. Dickinson; Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security, Mr Alex van Someren; Commander UK Space Command, Air Vice-Marshal Paul Godfrey; Director of Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, Major General Darrell Amison; Air Marshal Richard Knighton, Deputy Chief of Staff (Military Capability); Director Space, MOD Space Directorate, Air Vice-Marshal Harv Smyth and Mr Vlodymyr Usov, Former Chairman of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.

“Welcome to this year’s Defence Space Conference in a big year for UK Space Command as it reached its Initial Operating Capability. Staffed by people from the Royal Navy, British Army, the Royal Air Force, civil servants and industry partners, the Command is inherently integrated across Government, the thriving UK space sector and internationally to deliver space operations, training and capability on behalf of Defence. We play a key role in the Combined Space Operations Initiative alongside the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany, working together to ensure that space is there for the benefit of all. Our journeys are remarkably similar. Germany stood up their Space Command in July last year; the Australian Defence Space Command is being established; France continues to grow its capability having established a Space Command in 2019; and NATO now recognises space as an operational domain. With the release of the UK National Space Strategy and Defence Space Strategy in February and with the first UK space launch expected this summer, there has never been a more exciting time to be involved in space and I’m delighted we’re able to bring the space community together at events like this to better understand this critical domain.” 

Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston, Chief of the Air Staff, Royal Air Force

With just over one week to go until our 2022 Defence Space Conference I’m excited to say that the agenda for this two-day event has shaped up well beyond expectations. This year we intend to bring to life the critical  utility of the space domain in the contemporary context of an uncertain world brought into stark focus with the ongoing war in Ukraine. In today’s information dominant environment never has it been more important that we truly operationalise the space domain at pace with our partners and allies and with our increasingly capable commercial space sector. Our Conference will bring this to life with Keynote Speeches and Panel discussions with Defence Ministers, Service Chiefs, Scientists and Industry experts.  But we want to hear from you too so look forward to seeing you on the 10th and 11th May when we can discuss together how to meaningfully operationalise space.

Air Vice-Marshal Harv Smyth, CB, OBE DFC, Director Space, UK Ministry of Defence

Hello.  I’m Air Vice Marshal Paul Godfrey, Commander of UK Space Command and I’m here to provide a quick insight into some of the areas that we’ll cover at this year’s Defence Space Conference, organised by the Air and Space Power Association, to be held at the Institution of Engineering and Technology in London on the 10th and 11th of May.  It’s been quite a year for UK Space Command since our formation on the 1st of April last year.  As we approach our Initial Operating Capability.  But what does that actually mean for us? It means that we’ll have the personnel and the resource to deliver the recently launched Defence Space Strategy through our operating model of Operate, Generate, Collaborate, and Educate.  The Strategy identified three key themes firstly, Protect and Defend which we will enable through enhanced space domain awareness and through developing a range of future capabilities to be able to respond to hostile actions through our Operations and Capability Teams. Secondly, enhancing military operations where we are working closely with other domains to use space as an enabler for multi-domain integration. And thirdly, upskill and cohere, which is about building a resilient and skilled space workforce for the future. So I look forward to seeing you there.

For more details on the Defence Space Strategy and speeches by the Chief of the Air Staff and the Minister for Defence Procurement please click here

“Space is becoming more and more accessible and we are already seeing a race for dominance in this uncharted domain on a global scale. Defence Space 2022 will put into context what is needed to protect and defend this vital domain and keep it safe for all. The conference will explore the UK’s international role in Space and shared vision with other Space partners and allies for an enduring safe and secure Space environment. Defence Space attendees will hear about the new initiatives to protect and defend the UK and national technology pipeline aimed at  delivering leading capabilities where they are needed and generating the necessary skills to conduct space operations. Defence Space is the UK defence event for space professionals.”

Air Marshal (Ret’d) Greg Bagwell CB CBE, President, The Air & Space Power Association

Defence Space 2022 will feature conference, exhibition and networking with an exclusive dinner/reception on the evening of Day One as well as a live-casting platform for virtual attendees, ensuring like-minded Space professionals from across the globe can provide their insights and discuss future opportunities with the aim of building resilience and exploring opportunity.

The inaugural Defence Space Gala Dinner will be held on Day One after the Evening Drinks Reception, if you would like more information on the dinner and how to purchase a ticket please click here DS2 Gala Dinner

Corporate partnership opportunities start from just £3,500 + VAT

To find out more please click here Corporate Opportunities

Event Details

Date: 10 May, 2022

Start time: 09:00 GMT

End time: 17:00 GMT

Venue: IET, Savoy Place, London


Day one
Day two
  • Day one
  • Day two

On Demand