
The Air & Space Power Association’s aim is to provide a focal point for all stakeholders in the air and space domains. We achieve this through a highly regarded series of engagements, lectures, dinners and debate.

Membership is open to individuals, businesses, serving and retired military personnel, embassy and government personnel, the aviation, defence and space research and technology community, academics and the media. Indeed, anyone who has a professional interest in air and space power. 

Individual membership fees are kept low to ensure our reach is as broad as possible. Corporate membership fees are based on annual turnover, with Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s), Standard and Prime categories.

We also offer an Associate member option for military units, government bodies, science and technology organisations or academic institutes. Please email for details.

Each application for membership will be considered by the Executive Committee. In order to qualify for membership, applicants will ideally be proposed by an existing member, and will need to demonstrate involvement in air and space power in the UK or a keen academic interest and involvement in the subject.

Join us. Join the air and space power debate.

Individual Membership

As an Air & Space Power Association member, you will have access to all our activities, as well as our library of resources providing you with access to news, information and academic articles. You will have access to recordings of all our previous conferences and reportable events, and membership also qualifies you for priority access to our conferences and ticketed events. Individual members are able to bring one guest to ASPA events. Please click the Member Events page to see what’s on offer this year.

For individuals, membership of The Air & Space Power Association is just £25 + VAT per year. Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

Key Benefits

Corporate Membership

As an Air & Space Power Association corporate member, you will have access to all our activities, as well as our library of resources providing you with access to news, information and academic articles. You will have access to recordings of all our previous conferences and reportable events, and membership also qualifies you for priority access to our conferences and ticketed events. Corporate members are permitted to share our online content with all company employees, and are eligible to take up to ten seats (one table) at ASPA dinners.

Our series of Fireside Chats are a chance for one of your senior management to enjoy an informal, off-the-record discussion with senior military and Ministry of Defence representatives. This is a free of charge exclusive invitation-only benefit open to our corporate members.

Please visit the Member Events page to see what’s on offer this year.

Key Benefits

Corporate membership fees are based on annual turnover and range from just £250 + VAT to a maximum of £995 + VAT per year. Each application for membership will be considered by the Executive Committee. In order to qualify for membership, Corporate applicants will need to demonstrate active involvement in air and space power in the UK.

Corporate Partnership

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Key Benefits

Associate Membership

Our Associate member status is available for military units, government bodies, Embassies, science and technology organisations or academic institutes.

Key Benefits