Delegate Info

All speeches and prepared remarks are ‘on the record’ and are attributable to the individual and the event. All comments made in response to questions (i.e. the non- prepared remarks) are ‘off the record’ and not for reporting, attributable neither to the individual, nor to the event. If a member of the media wishes to quote any remark that is unattributable by these rules, they should seek the permission of the speaker.


We are keen to encourage discussion at this event, and session Chairs will attempt to make the Q&A periods as vibrant as possible. There are two ways to submit a question:

First, there are staff in the auditorium with roaming microphones who will find you if you are called upon.

Second, if you access the online platform using the link below, there is an option to submit a question
using Slido.

Please do bear in mind we can’t always get to everybody.


In order to reach the online broadcast, you can either use this link:

Here you will find a live broadcast of the day, the conference agenda, speaker information, sponsor profiles and data, and the option to submit questions using Slido.


Presentations which we have the permission to release will be available on the ASPA website after the conference.


Speakers alone are responsible for the content of their respective presentations and remarks. It is the organiser’s policy to give freedom to contributors/ speakers to express their opinions.


The conference documentation is under copyright of ASPA and the speakers, and as such all documentation may only be reproduced with permission of ASPA and the speaker.


A recording of the event will be available free of charge on the ASPA website after the event.


To access the venue free wifi please scan the QR code available in-venue.


Our security team are operating a random bag search policy. Please do co-operate with their requests; it is in everyone’s interest.

Safety and evacuation procedures will be set out at the start of the conference. Please ensure safe keeping of valuables. The Organisers are not responsible for lost or stolen property.


Lunch on both Tuesday and Wednesday will be served in the Marconi and Lovelace Rooms on the ground floor and in the Maxwell Library on the 1st floor. Please speak with the venue staff if you have any allergies or other special dietary requirements.


IET is an accessible venue, and there is help available should you need it.
Please either speak with the concierge at the desk in the main foyer, or call 0203 8133593.